Maria Kiekari – Pagina de Maria Kiekari

Journey to Reconnect: Embrace Ecosomatic Wisdom with Maria

I extend a heartfelt invitation to individuals from every corner of our breathtaking planet to embark on a journey of profound transformation—an odyssey that transcends geographical boundaries and resonates deeply within your very essence. As the co-founder of KiekariTerra A.C. and the visionary behind EncuerpaSavia, my personal journey has been a meandering exploration, firmly grounded in the unwavering belief that we can forge a world where our connections are steeped in awe, wonder, and an unwavering reverence for the exquisite tapestry of experiences that thread through our lives.

My path has been an intimate return to the body—an awakening of the senses and an invitation to traverse the sacred landscapes of our own physicality. It’s a journey of coming home to the body and the Earth, cultivating embodied ecologies that bridge the gap between our inner and outer worlds. As we unravel the layers of conditioning and busyness, we discover the profound wisdom nestled in our bodies—the same wisdom that is mirrored in the Earth’s own rhythms, cycles, and diversity.

Through this journey, we befriend our bodies as trusted companions, listening to their whispers and honoring their wisdom. We cultivate a sacred relationship with the Earth, recognizing that our well-being is intricately interwoven with the health of our planet. This path is an ode to the living, breathing body of the Earth, and an opportunity to learn from her deep well of knowledge.

For over 18 years, I have immersed myself in the rich tapestry of movement practices and spiritual exploration. My journey mirrors the spirals of nature itself—a generous guide revealing maps to self-awareness and unlocking the latent potential residing within each of us. Mother Earth herself has been my primary mentor, imparting wisdom through her rhythms, changes, cycles, movements, and the rich diversity of life. Nature’s teachings underscore the paramount importance of embracing an array of life maps, myriad perspectives, and diverse lenses as we navigate the intricate moments of existence.

I view the body and movement as the keys that unlock the vibrant essence of truly being alive. In this pursuit, I consider myself a guardian of life, devoted to guiding you through sacred processes of renewal and the natural, essential completion of chapters within our shared human history.

Today, I extend my hand and heart to you, inviting you to join this extraordinary journey of reconnection. Together, we set forth on an exploration of ecosomatic wisdom, guided by the profound felt sense—an adventure that leads us back to our intricate connection with the Earth’s body and the profound wisdom it holds. Regardless of your place on this diverse planet, you are wholeheartedly welcome to embrace this transformative path with open arms.

Maria’s Multifaceted Training Journey:

Maria’s extensive training journey encompasses a wide range of disciplines and expertise to offer you a holistic and transformative experience:

● Pre-conception, Gestation, and Birth Trauma Informed Doula: Trained to provide compassionate and trauma-informed doula support during the sacred phases of pre-conception, gestation, and childbirth.

● Certified Womb Wisdom and Women’s Health Educator: Empowering women with essential knowledge and guidance, I support them in reconnecting with their bodies and embracing the wisdom held within their wombs, fostering greater health and well-being.

● IOur Journey Here Training: Underwent specialized training with Cherionna Menzam-Sills, deepening her understanding of early life experiences, birth trauma, and their profound impact.

● Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics: Certified in integrated prenatal and perinatal dynamics, excelling in supporting individuals and families through challenging births and prenatal trauma patterns.

● Certified Somatic Movement Educator (BodyMindMovement School): Helping individuals rediscover their bodies’ inherent intelligence, I guide them in unlocking their full potential for healing and transformation through somatic movement practices.

● Somatic Educator: At the BodyMindMovement school, refining skills as a somatic educator, empowering individuals to reconnect with their bodies and unlock innate potential for healing.

● Certified Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner:Specializing in trauma renegotiation, I use somatic techniques to gently support the nervous system in releasing trauma and restoring inner balance.

● Certified in Conscious Body Practitioner/Jungian Somatics: Holds certification in Conscious Body Practitioner/Jungian Somatics, deepening understanding of the mind-body connection and somatic experiences.

● Jungian Somatics: Trained in Jungian Somatics, I help you explore your psyche through embodied imagination, somatic dream analysis, mandala drawing, and intuitive movement, guiding you to uncover hidden insights and engage with your shadow.

● Certified in MindBody Therapy: A certified MindBody Therapist, aligning her practice with embodied philosophy and holistic well-being.

● Certified in Movement for Trauma: Expertly guides individuals through somatic practices for renegotiation of trauma and resilience.

● Certified in Trauma-Informed Yoga: Committed to creating safe spaces for healing and self-discovery through certification in Trauma-Informed Yoga.

● Transpersonal Education: Received valuable training in Transpersonal Education, expanding understanding of personal growth, spirituality, and human potential.

● Facilitator of Circles for Women in Training: Trained as a facilitator of women’s circles, empowering women to connect, heal, and thrive.

● Certified in Yoga Tune Up®: A certified Yoga Tune Up® instructor, offering a holistic approach to yoga and body well being.

● Registered Instructor of the Yoga Detour Method and Yoga Detour Synthesis: Brings a diverse and comprehensive approach to yoga instruction as a registered instructor.

● Facilitator of the Work that Reconnects in Training: Guiding individuals in transformative practices that foster connection with themselves, others, and the Earth.

● Certified in Mindful Strength: Holds certification in Mindful Strength by Kathryn Bruni-Young, integrating mindfulness and strength training for holistic well-being.

● Training in Hatha Yoga and Mandala Vinyasa Yoga: Completed extensive training in Hatha Yoga (300 Hrs) at Yandara Yoga School and Mandala Vinyasa Yoga (200 Hrs) at Sattva Yoga, enhancing expertise in yoga instruction.

Maria’s curriculum reflects her deep dedication to holistic well-being, trauma-informed practices, and empowering individuals through transformative modalities. Her diverse training equips her to provide a holistic and compassionate approach to her teachings, inviting students from around the world to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Join Maria on this transformative path to embrace your true potential.

I firmly believe that every individual possesses the boundless potential to script new narratives in their life’s journey. Within each of us lies the role of both guardian and steward of immense creativity, essential for weaving harmony and congruence into the fabric of our internal and external worlds. It is our birthright to fully embrace the profound experience of living within our bodies, awakening to the richness of existence itself. Together, we embark on a transformative journey towards a world that is not only healthier but also brimming with happiness and authenticity, embracing the true essence of what it means to be alive.

Join me in this global quest for a brighter, more vibrant tomorrow.

Online Courses

$99.00 $130.00

Cuerpo Elemental

A través del movimiento, el sonido, la respiración, la sensación, y la innovación

Teacher Training


"Transformative training: healing our bodyminds & world" Maria, Alan, and Kate were beautiful facilitators of our noticing, experiencing, and learning of the wisdom of our bodies and life around us. The small size of our cohort encouraged considerate support and meaningful connections among us as we engaged in the transformation of being that is the exemplary training offered by the teachers of KiekariTerra. Our accommodations were comfortable and practical, inviting students to reflect on what tools, habits, etc. are truly useful in caring for our uniquely 'healthy' bodyminds in a certain context or environment… and what each of us might recognize as something that no longer serves our individual well-being, present and perhaps future. This exploration is of course incredibly personal, wholly determined by the individual, and honored by our teachers as such; each of our decisions to learn and engage in whichever particular offering of the training was exactly that: an offering, an invitation, a choice; not an imposition or assumption. Additionally, as a perk of living in the Cloud Forest outside Veracruz - surrounded by a vivacious environment of beloved nonperson-beings, inviting rivers, and earthen paths to explore through sacred trees - an appreciation of the natural relationship between our internal experiencing (emotions, energy, etc.) and our manifest ‘external’ world, and the inherent potential for all to thrive… was and is evident, and abundantly so.

Janna Lyhus

United States
The 24 day soma yoga and movement teacher training for me was magical and at the same time so grounding. Really sinking into our bodies, by feeling it and moving it during the yoga classes by dawn, and exploring it through anatomy in the afternoon. Before sunset tuning in with nature, learning more about permaculture, theoretically and practically. Before I started I read in one of the reviews that it’s so much more than a yoga training. Though it was my first yoga training, I still really resonate with that sentence. María and Alan share their home with you, their books, which Alan beautifully said are doorways to other worlds. I’ve learned so much, and I’m so grateful for the life they choose live, the knowledge they’ve gained and are sharing with us. I loved sleeping in a tent (which was very specious) for more than 3 weeks, the absence of the sound of cars and the night sky full of shining stars. Feeling the different kinds of weather touching our skin, swimming in the cold river (or quickly dipping ;)), seeing fire flies playing above it when the daylight fades, and feeding our body with nourishing food. As far as I can tell this yoga training is unique and seems like a one of a kind. It feels like a fundament for all my further yoga practices, or better for life. I’m very thankful for this experience.

Debbie Mol

If you trynna have a life changing experience, THIS is it!" Two quick things before I get deep&sentimental in this review. 1)The instructors (Maria y Alan) were INCREDIBLE--they are so kind and loving and really make you feel at home. They are also BRILLIANT and I was constantly learning from them. 2) The food was also AH-MAZING, and my body and tastebuds were very happy 🙂 Okay, now the deep/sentimental reflection: This training has left me forever changed. Despite being off the grid for 24-days, this month-long training has helped me become MORE present in this world, and I specifically chose this YTT because Maria's pedagogy is one based in Somatics--centering the body as a wisdom source that integrates with mind and spirit to inform how we move in the world, both on and off the yoga mat. It's not about dissociating or escaping pain and discomfort, just like spending time at KiekariTerra is not about disconnecting or fleeing from the rest of the world. Instead, it's about the practice of embodying the present moment by acknowledging and honoring the body as an ever-present and sacred home, one to which we are forever returning to. Because of this training, whether I'm in a Cloud Forest or third-floor city apartment, my goal will always be to remain in my body--to be here now--and to practice making decisions that move me towards rather than away from my most whole&holy Self. If you want to read a more in-depth review, feel free to check out my blog reflection: https://purposefullynia.com/2022/04/01/returning-home/

Nia Campinha

Bacote - United States